United Industries, the virtual airline on VATSIM and FSE, releases its draft recruitment, hour transfer and promotional policies for prospective virtual pilots to review.
1.1 Recruitment process
1.1.0 Applications are submitted to united.indust@gmail.com only, the following must be submitted
1.2.0 A valid VATSIM pilots ID
1.3.0 A valid FS Economy ID
1.4.0 Date of birth
1.5.0 State, if wishing to transfer VATSIM hours, you wish to do so. A maximum of 100 hours maybe transferred on initial application with a frozen 500 hours maximum. See hours transfers
On receipt of the correct information the application will be reviewed manually by the appropriate officer of the virtual company. An acknowledgement of receipt will be issued and you are asked to wait for further communication.
You would be asked to check the companies website, if no vacancies are currently posted you may enter a waiting list. You will be informed of your status of application. United Industries has a dynamic maximum personnel cap policy based on operational financial management accounts.
Upon a successful application you will be entered onto the roster at the appropriate rank which cannot be higher then First Officer, see hours transfer policy.
1.2 Hour’s transfers policy applicable to VATSIM hours only
A balance has been drawn on flying hours vs. company hours and their compatibility.
Company hours are based on quality executed flying, that is to say flying in which air navigation rules and procedures have been executed correctly in real-time on the VATSIM network. Flying hours, non-company hours could represent lower quality flying procedures and methods which United Industries wish to avoid.
FS Economy hours cannot be transferred; such is the nature of FS Economy that hours cannot be verified as reasonably certain of maintaining realistic flight settings.
To respect an individuals experience and maintain the companies’ virtue we have introduced an hour transfer policy which the company feels is both fair to the pilot and safe guards our reputation.
1.3 Hour transfer policy structure
1.3.0 Starting rank Trainee Pilot: VATSIM hours to transfer 16-40 hours; hours transferred after 1 (one) VATSIM/FSE VFR flight of 1 hour or more for the company and rank of Pilot awarded, Normal promotional structure engages.
1.3.1 Starting rank First Officer: VATSIM hours to transfer 101-500 hours; Transferred after 3 (three) VATSIM/FSE Full IFR flights each of 1 hour or more for the company, the rank of Captain awarded. Normal promotional structure engages.
1.4 Promotion
Pilots are responsible for their own promotional ladder. As hours are accumulated on the VATSIM/FSE company system the pilot may inform the appropriate Officer of mile stones achieved. Promotions will be announced and rewarded if approved.
Most promotional claims will be automatically approved. If however there is reason to believe that hours have been claimed which the company feels are not with in the spirit of the company environment then promotions maybe rejected. Essentially cheating or misleading the company members is frowned upon and may lead to dismissal.
The company would like to express that this is a game; as such the environment created is for enjoyment, education and fun. Falsifying experience or hours will ultimately only undermine the person involved both in sense of achievement and a reduction of the challenge.